The Rangers met Saturday morning, January 12th to begin planning the 2008 season.  We got together at Serendipity’s for cinnamon rolls and palaver and got thins started for the season.  Cusz ‘M Dutch came all the way from Dinosaur, That Away Gal and Maybell Maverick rode in from the wilds, Winterhawk plowed through the snow drifts, Desperado James represented the Durkop clan, Snowy Creek Angel drug The Powder Wash Kid in from the e-room, we met W. H. Middaugh’s new bride, and Big Iron O’Kearn, Black Mountain Cat and Sagebrush Burns represented the town of Craig.


The Groundhog Day/cabin fever match will take place on Saturday, February 2nd.  It IS still winter around here, so well let the day warm up a bit and start at 10:00AM and clothing rules are relaxed.  This match is four stages and we keep it simple, shooting in one bay and re-arranging targets for each stage.  As always, this will be a free match.


Planning is under way for the 23rd annual “Where the Old West Stayed Young” match over Memorial Day week-end, May 24th and 25th.  We won’t be doing the Saturday night banquet or posse shoot this year.  Full details are in the match letter and poster.  Again this year we find ourselves short of people to run everything at the annual.  If you’re coming and you’re willing we need posse marshals and helpers for the various side matches.  Please get in touch with Burns if you can help. 


Regular monthly matches will continue on the fourth Saturday of the month, April through September.  We have set our schedule for 2007.

February 2 – Ground Hog Day match – Sagebrush Burns (be there at 10:00AM)

            April 26 – monthly match – Desperado James, Colorado Hank (sign-up 900AM)

            May 24 & 25 – annual “Where the Old West Stayed Young” match

            June 28 – monthly match – That Away Gal

            July 26 – monthly match – Soda Creek Jack

            August 23 – monthly match – Powder Wash Kid

            September 27 – monthly match – The Some Dense Kid


Snowy Creek Angel has an idea for three dimensional props and will (perhaps with Dad’s assistance) build and paint some for us.


We’ll be getting together again at Serendipity’s at 9:00AM on Saturday, February 16th if you care to join us.


As always, we’d like to hear from you if you have thoughts or ideas to help us do a better job.  Keep up with the Rangers on the Bears Ears Sportsman Club (BESC) web site at: 




Sagebrush Burns, 970-824-8407