June 2011

On Saturday, June 25th the Rangers were treated to a glorious sunny day for their monthly match. Makes us all glad to live here… We had fourteen shooters all together, with folks from Steamboat Springs, Oak Creek, Vernal, and California in addition to the usual local suspects. For Bad Sam from Vernal it was his first SASS match ever: welcome Sam! People started arriving before 9:00AM and we set up the match, held our safety meeting and were shooting by 9:30. We shot four stages, put everything away, and finished up about 1:00PM. That got us all home in time for lunch and a nap before the heat of the day. With everybody helping with set-up and break-down, it all goes quickly and easily – many thanks to all for your help. Our nest match will be Saturday, July 22nd, with the regular (4th Saturday) schedule continuing through August and September. Hope we'll see you all there.